Week 1 Update Head Of Household, Veto & Eviction

We started out having Shannon as our first HOH of the season. But then we got CBB bags and this was one of many twist of the season.

So when it was time for Nomination time so when the bag that Big Brother handed out you were to open it at the table at nomination time so Shannon pick a name and Keshia name was pick to go first so she decided to open her bag and when she opened it was the new HOH so now Keshia had to pick the people that is she wanted on the block.....

So at the time at the table Keshia had to pick who she wanted on the block and she pick James and Chuck to be put on the block. So when it was time to play the VETO. Shannon was the one that won the VETO and she didn't use the VETO. So that means that James and Chuck were still on the block

 So everyone flip the house and Chuck was sent home packing. Metta wanted to keep chuck but he got the way of the voting wrong so he wanted to keep him.

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