Big Brother 20 Twist Explained: Theme and Twist

As you know we have some Houseguest that arrived in the house and they have meant people and getting along with everyone. Making connections with each other.

So the twist is or at least part of the twist is a tech themed as there will be a BB App Store this season that will let us viewers give the house rewards and powers or even them on an off punishments much like last season. Like we had Den Of Tempatation Twist and now it about us fans are getting to tend on social media.

So before the BB App Store take a hold cause of the twist it will show itself on premiere night as the HG will be thrust into three different competitions that will deliver (A total game changer and two unprecedented punishments)

So we are hoping this season punishments don't include immediate eviction and replacement with past houseguest. Because that will throw the whole season of..

What do you think of the twist news is it something you think will be great for Big Brother. I think it will be interesting as long as us America isn't given to much power. If you think Den Of Temptation form last year then it's not so bad maybe it will be a good thing. We don't need a bunch of people granted safety for four weeks. So lets enjoy some power here and there this season of Big Brother 20.

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