We’re closing in on the first Power of Veto competition for Big Brother 20 and the drama is just getting started. Players have been picked and the scheming is in full go-mode as much of the house is scrambling with strategies ahead of any chance to do anything with those plans.
Feeds cut earlier and when they returned we learned that Faysal, Swaggy, and Scottie had been picked to play along with Tyler (HOH) and the noms, Sam & Steve, would enter the Thunderdome while JC hosted. Yeah, I imagine we should have JC host most weeks given his level of energy.
Not much drama in particular on the draw itself, but what’s causing trouble is what should happen if the Veto is put in to play. Chris, or Swaggy if you prefer, called a meeting in the HOH room and explained that he is really worried that Bayleigh could go up as a pawn and end up out the door. If that happens, he’s promised he’ll have someone’s head on a platter. Chris really doesn’t want to lose his newly minted showmance and ally here.
Okay, maybe there was just a touch of drama on the draw. Tyler just told Sam that he used his HG Choice on Chris because Swaggy said he’d do what Tyler wanted, but now Tyler realizes that probably isn’t true. Oops.
Steve, for his part, has said he wants no part in staying on the Block and won’t volunteer to stay there any longer than he must. So obviously, if he or Sam wins the Veto they’re both planning to use it to escape to safety. Steve also argued that he should be saved to force the hand of who has the BB Power App this week. He thinks that is Angela and wants her on the Block in his place.
Tyler is sticking to his guns with the role of HOH and has expressed that he doesn’t plan on letting others dictate his decisions here. He did say his preferred course here is for noms to stay the same and Sam to be evicted. Tyler says he wants to make sure Steve stays if Sam comes down so he’ll have to pick carefully there.
Soon after all this talk we heard from Sam who arrived in the HOH room to comment that folks are getting way ahead of themselves here. She’s right, they are and it could be all of this or none of this takes place when the results are revealed. We’ll have to wait and see what happens with the Veto comp.
On a regular week, we’d find the PoV comp on a Saturday, but this first week isn’t ordinary and we just might find out it gets played today. So stick with us for the results and any spoilers. We’ll be watching the Feeds and awaiting those Veto results!
In the meantime, who do you want to win the Veto? Tyler, to keep the noms the same, one of the noms, to force its use, or one of the other three players, to get some extra drama with the “will he/she or won’t they?” Good times ahead no matter what happens!
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