Big Brother 20 Live Feeds Week 3: Friday Daytime Highlights

The BB App Store opened and closed for the last time today and we were able to learn which two houseguests were treated to Apps. We also learned Scottie’s plans for nominees as the nomination ceremony loomed.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, July 6, 2018:

9:30 AM BBT – HGs got their wake up call.

9:35 AM BBT – HGs annoyed with JC. They complain he’s been sleeping on the floor and ignoring Big Brother’s commands to sleep in a dish instead.

11:00 AM BBT – Faysal asks Scottie about his talk with the Bros. He’s curious if they admitted to voting out Steve. Scottie says they doubled down on lying to him about their vote and even blamed Haleigh for flipping. Scottie says Brett nearly convinced him with his mist.

11:40 AM BBT – Feeds cut for the App Store.

1:25 PM BBT – Feeds have returned from the App Store. Haleigh talking about getting the Crap App. Bayleigh is whispering to Faysal and he says something about not telling anyone. Bayleigh may have gotten the Power App.

1:54 PM BBT – JC is advising Scottie on what to do. He thinks he should not get any blood on his hands this week by making a big move. He’s throwing Rockstar under the bus hardcore. Scottie tells JC he wants to go after Winton and Brett.

2:06 PM BBT – Sam tells Tyler and Jaycee that she won’t use the power on anyone this week unless it was one of the three of them. She told them that next week, the person who gets evicted automatically gets “THE CHANCE” to come back to the game.

2:30 PM BBT – Scottie and Bayleigh talking about nominations. He tells her that he wants to nominate Winston and Brett and that when one of them goes home this week Bayleigh can move in on the girls (Rachel and Angela) that will be down a number. He also tells her that everyone is trying to get Rockstar nominated.

2:52 PM BBT – Bayleigh lightly throwing Rockstar under the bus to Scottie for who knows what reason.

3:55 PM BBT – Brett and Winston talking about how they’re probably going up.

4:07 PM BBT – Kaitlyn asks Scottie if she’s going on the block. He tells her only if some power is used.

4:25 PM BBT – JC is now trashing Rockstar to Bayleigh. He says he can’t tell who Rockstar is working with. Bayleigh says Rockstar is only working with herself.

4:53 PM BBT – Bayleigh confirms she got the Power App. She tells Faysal that her power enables her to change the HOH’s nominations and the HOH has to pass the nominations off as their own. The power is good until eight people are left. Bayleigh adds that the HOH does keep the power to name a nomination if one of the initial nominees come off the block after the Veto.

So Brett and Winston should go up on the block a little later this evening. Be sure to check out the Live Feeds to see how the bros react to them both going on the block.

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Source: Matthew Boyer
