Swaggy should be worried on Big Brother 20
The Power of Veto competition is coming up today for the Big Brother 20 Houseguests and the new Head of Household has a plan of her own that could catch her target by surprise.
Kaitlyn was quickly turned against FOUTTE when she learned that Swaggy saw her as the lowest on the group’s alliance list. Tyler worked that angle to win her over and flip the vote against Steve. Her scorn didn’t end there though.
Since soon after becoming HOH Kaitlyn discussed plans with Tyler to go after Swaggy by means of the Backdoor route. She wanted to keep him off the Block, hope he doesn’t get to play in the Veto, push for the Veto to be used on one of her pawns, and then get Swaggy up and out with no chance of escape.
So far Kaitlyn’s plan is going smoothly. She let Winston know he’d be a pawn with Swaggy as her real target and to Scottie she simply promised him he wasn’t her target. Right now FOUTTE expects Winston to be the one to go and that’s still possible, but today could change that.
Swaggy could still get pulled for the Veto comp or Scottie could name him for HG Choice if he gets the chance. He isn’t stressing that too much just yet though and even told Kaitlyn that he’d be happy to host the comp instead. Yikes. Or maybe he is starting to worry.
Around 2AM BBT last night on the Live Feeds the lights started to come on for this week’s target. Swaggy told Scottie he thinks someone said something about not wanting him (Swaggy) to play in the Veto comp. He’s starting to get concerned that someone told Kaitlyn that he feels she was the least important in their alliance. Yep, he’s right.
Now we’ll sit back and wait for the comp to see what happens next. If Swaggy gets the chance he needs to play hard and win this for his own safety. Should an ally get the Veto this week then he needs to make sure they keep noms just as they are. Lots of possibilities here and the odds may be stacking up against Mr. Swaggy C.
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