In what could have been an episode of “The Twilight Zone” on CBS All Access, Tuesday night’s Big Brother 21 has me and a lot of other viewers scratching our heads by an editing job that showed almost none of what really happened in the house the past several days.
The Tuesday night episode picked up right after the nomination ceremony. Christie lets us know that Cliff is the pawn and she wouldn’t mind Kat going this week, but she is just going to wait and see what the universe sends her this week. And by universe I think she means her dictator ally Jackson.
In some pretty clear foreshadowing, Ovi is happy with the nominees because he believes the alliance he made with Chrisite, Jack, Jackson and Anaylse is actually a legitimate alliance.
Speaking of legitimate alliances, Gr8ful decides to have a meeting and Chrisite can’t get Bella’s attention because she’s hanging out with Kemi. So that worries the alliance because they can’t lose Bella to Kemi. So the idea comes up to nominate Kemi if the veto is used. Of course this wasn’t the only, or maybe even the actual reason, Kemi became a target. That was all Jack’s idea. Kemi had made Jack angry right away when the game started and he has had it out for her ever since.
The show editors actually left out a whole lot of stuff. Jack has been calling Kemi a b**ch all week and even said he’d like to stomp a muddle in her chest. But for some reason, this episode wants us to believe everything was a little more organic.
Now it’s time for more “creative” editing as they try to give us a fake showmance between Kat and Jackson. We are led to believe that the possibility of those two getting too close might just mean Kat stays the actual target this week. About that. Stay tuned …
Sam wins the first Power of Veto of the season. And it doesn’t take long for talk of using the veto to begin. Sam would like to use the veto on Cliff because he had already been banished and he just thinks Cliff deserves to stay in the game. Meanwhile Jack maps out the boot order for the season: Kemi, Jessica and Ovi, starting with Kemi this week. Christie isn’t too down with Jack dictating her HOH and the next few weeks also. But he is set on Kemi going home this week.
Bella talks to Nick about Kemi staying this week because she’s not bad for their game. Nick says he’ll talk to Christie about it. When he finds time to chat with her she says she’s not set on Kemi going, but she thinks that’s what the house wants. She lets us know in the DR that she has to figure out what’s best for her game and backdooring Kemi might not be it.
Christie tells Jack that she’s not putting up Kemi. Jack strongarms and tells her that Sam is using the veto and Kemi is going home. Christie tells him that getting Kemi out doesn’t help her at all. Jack persists and thinks Kemi needs to go this week. Christie gets upset and decides to talk to Tommy and Nicole about what’s going on. They both tell her that she shouldn’t backdoor Kemi. Christie then decides to talk to Sam about not using the veto.
Sam and Christie meet up to talk and she tells him that she doesn’t want to backdoor Kemi. In more head-scratching editing, Sam acts surprised in the DR that Kemi was a target at all. In reality, Sam knew she was the target the whole time. Sam says he really wants to use the veto on Cliff and that he already promised to use it. Sam asks Christie if there could be the votes to get Jack out. Christie isn’t sure about that so Sam asks if there’s anyone else she could put up. And then Ovi knocks on the door. They talk about how Ovi is a wildcard and might not be a bad idea. But that’s not exactly how it all went down. Like I’ve already said this TV edit is just a little off.
Jack had already picked Ovi to go home next week (instead of Jessica as he said earlier), so when Christie let her alliance know she wasn’t going after Kemi, everyone switched to Ovi. So, no, he isn’t about to get nominated just because he knocked on the HOH door at the wrong time.
At the veto ceremony Sam does use the veto on Cliff. Christie goes ahead and names Ovi as the replacement nominee. And Ovi is shocked because he really thought he was in an alliance with Christie.
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Source: Branden
The Tuesday night episode picked up right after the nomination ceremony. Christie lets us know that Cliff is the pawn and she wouldn’t mind Kat going this week, but she is just going to wait and see what the universe sends her this week. And by universe I think she means her dictator ally Jackson.
In some pretty clear foreshadowing, Ovi is happy with the nominees because he believes the alliance he made with Chrisite, Jack, Jackson and Anaylse is actually a legitimate alliance.
Speaking of legitimate alliances, Gr8ful decides to have a meeting and Chrisite can’t get Bella’s attention because she’s hanging out with Kemi. So that worries the alliance because they can’t lose Bella to Kemi. So the idea comes up to nominate Kemi if the veto is used. Of course this wasn’t the only, or maybe even the actual reason, Kemi became a target. That was all Jack’s idea. Kemi had made Jack angry right away when the game started and he has had it out for her ever since.
The show editors actually left out a whole lot of stuff. Jack has been calling Kemi a b**ch all week and even said he’d like to stomp a muddle in her chest. But for some reason, this episode wants us to believe everything was a little more organic.
Now it’s time for more “creative” editing as they try to give us a fake showmance between Kat and Jackson. We are led to believe that the possibility of those two getting too close might just mean Kat stays the actual target this week. About that. Stay tuned …
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It’s time to pick players for the veto competition. Joining Christie, Kat and Cliff in the veto competition are Sam, Jack via Cliff’s HG choice, and Nicole. And then the doorbell rings. Kaycee is back to host the veto competition. The competition is the slow motion comp she won last season. They HGs have to take part in a “food fight” where they have to catch certain food items. For each food item they catch and place in the bowl they earn a point.
After a way too long segment of people getting goop flung at them in slow motion, it’s time to find out who won.
The scores
Christie 10
Jack 20
Cliff 0
Kat 0
Nicole 0
Sam 21
Bella talks to Nick about Kemi staying this week because she’s not bad for their game. Nick says he’ll talk to Christie about it. When he finds time to chat with her she says she’s not set on Kemi going, but she thinks that’s what the house wants. She lets us know in the DR that she has to figure out what’s best for her game and backdooring Kemi might not be it.
Christie tells Jack that she’s not putting up Kemi. Jack strongarms and tells her that Sam is using the veto and Kemi is going home. Christie tells him that getting Kemi out doesn’t help her at all. Jack persists and thinks Kemi needs to go this week. Christie gets upset and decides to talk to Tommy and Nicole about what’s going on. They both tell her that she shouldn’t backdoor Kemi. Christie then decides to talk to Sam about not using the veto.
Sam and Christie meet up to talk and she tells him that she doesn’t want to backdoor Kemi. In more head-scratching editing, Sam acts surprised in the DR that Kemi was a target at all. In reality, Sam knew she was the target the whole time. Sam says he really wants to use the veto on Cliff and that he already promised to use it. Sam asks Christie if there could be the votes to get Jack out. Christie isn’t sure about that so Sam asks if there’s anyone else she could put up. And then Ovi knocks on the door. They talk about how Ovi is a wildcard and might not be a bad idea. But that’s not exactly how it all went down. Like I’ve already said this TV edit is just a little off.
At the veto ceremony Sam does use the veto on Cliff. Christie goes ahead and names Ovi as the replacement nominee. And Ovi is shocked because he really thought he was in an alliance with Christie.
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Source: Branden
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