On last night’s episode of Big Brother 21, we all watched as Ovi won the Whacktivity Comp which gave him a special power called the Nightmare Power. This power allows him the ability to turn one HOH’s reign into a nightmare. After the nomination ceremony, he can use his power to wake up the entire house in the middle of the night and force the HOH to make new nominations and the original noms would be safe for the week. This power could only be used once and it is good for the first six nomination ceremonies.
Ovi would have had to have been one of the original nominees and the power would’ve had to have been used before the POV Players were drawn in order to give the new noms a chance to play in the POV Comp. With that being said, it isn’t looking too good for Ovi inside the Big Brother house this week. While anything can happen between now and live eviction day, my bet is that we will watch this power walk out of the house with Ovi Wednesday night.
Spoilers ahead! If you don’t want to know the results of the POV Comp or POV Ceremony on Big Brother DON’T READ AHEAD!
We all saw that Ovi was not nominated this week at the nomination ceremony, therefore he didn’t use his power. However, anyone who reads the spoilers knows that Sam won the POV Comp, used the POV to save Cliff and Christie put Ovi on the block. So that left people with a lot of questions and the biggest one was can Ovi use this power to save himself now? The short answer is no.
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This power could have definitely caught one HOH off guard in the coming weeks and could have been fun to watch someone scramble to make new noms. Even though the power most likely won’t be used, what did you think of this power? Are you happy there is a chance it won’t be used?
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